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Poem for The G of Taste

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The plan is to put poems inbetween each chapter of The G of T as kinda the connection between chapters sorta. i'm concerned a little about shift of tone so yeah...here's an example!


there are people i can’t imagine getting old

standing on breath puffed porch watching
snow fall winter and i thought she was perfect

small freckle on her nose (slightly oversized
she hated that part of herself the most) hair
(light brown sandy blonde cut layered like water
falling always smelled like papaya although
I still don’t know what that smells like) eyes (brown
pools of shade she’d pout like that with those and
I’d do this babbling) palms (so many tiny lines
a map to her fingers delicate bird bones) mole
on her right breast (kissed soft eagerly lingered
and her hand squeezed the back of my neck) laugh
(like stepping off a cliff and waking up relieved
although i did enjoy the feeling of falling)

“Stay” Coal. December 28 1999: 17.

1 Responses to “Poem for The G of Taste”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    small freckle on her nose hair eyes alms mole on her right breast laugh.

    I think I might change the "mole on her right breast part of this poem to simple mole and locate it specifically maybe within the bracket if at all, just to keep the one word rhythm that is occuring in the unbracketed space. I like the notation device at the end. I'm wondering if that is from some music tradition that I'm not familiar with, because it seems like it. Like the notation format for when something was recorded or something.

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    Like waiting against the gymnasium wall at a grade school dance.